Service Offerings
Massage and Manual Therapy
Therapeutic Massage is not a one-size-fits-all kind of therapy. To allow for the highest level of treatment, each session is tailored to address the needs and preferences of the individual.
Standard Massage Treatments

Deep Tissue Massage
Massage that relieves deep muscle tension with a higher pressure focus on smoothing and softening tight muscles.

Swedish Massage
The most traditional form of massage therapy, used to heal, strengthen, and relax both body and mind.

Pregnancy Massage
Specifically tailored to the expectant mothers needs.

Hot Stones
As a massage enhancement, smooth, warm stones are skillfully worked into massage strokes to relieve tight muscles.
Deep Tissue Massage
Massage that relieves deep muscle tension with a higher pressure focus on smoothing and softening tight muscles.
Deep tissue reaches the deeper layers of muscles and related tissues. It is excellent for chronic pain, injury management, range of movement, and flexibility.
Swedish Massage
The most traditional form of massage therapy, used to heal, strengthen, and relax both body and mind.
Relieves muscle tension relief, improves range-of-motion, increases blood oxygen, improves blood circulation, and helps with pain management.
Pregnancy Massage
Specifically tailored to the expectant mothers needs.
The mother’s body is properly positioned and supported during the massage, using pillows and padding. Designed to reduce stress, facilitate relaxation, reduce water retention, and relieve aches and pains of the neck, back and joints.
Myofascial Release
Relieves pain, increases range of motion, and balances the body.
The fascia is a web of connective tissue that covers and connects the muscles, organs and skeletal structures. It lies between the skin and the underlying muscle and bone.
Active Myofascial Therapy (AMT) - TM (TRADEMARK) The Diamond Method
The intent of an AMT session is corrective; focus is to address client’s pain, dysfunction or problem.
AMT will increase mobility, improve posture, expand breathing, aid digestion, and reduce or eliminate your pain. The objective is to “re-educate” your neuromuscular system, enhance your proprioceptive (your sense of where your body is in space) and kinesthetic awareness, and improve posture and movement.
The AMT client actively participates in corrective, strengthening, stretching, stabilizing, and neuromuscular re-education called “Actions” as part of session and homework.
ACE Vacutherapies™ (massage cupping)
In this technique, a vacuum is created with silicone cups to create negative pressure for pain relief.
One of the most amazing aspects of this technique is the “separation” that the vacuum produces in tissue layers. This enables water absorption and renewed blood flow to undernourished and dehydrated tissue as well as the elimination of old waste and congestion.
Along with the substantial health benefits of clearing old debris, the use of suction is invaluable in releasing soft tissue, scars and restricted fascia.
Conditions of chronic and acute pain can be relieved with minimal discomfort and tense muscles softened quickly and easily. ACE Massage Cupping™ is wonderfully effective to release restrictions in fascia and scar tissue, such as plantar fasciitis.
Integrative Reflexology®
Reflexology is as old as walking barefoot--stimulating the feet for healing purposes is known to have been part of the ancient health care modalities used by our ancestors all over the world.
Integrative Reflexology® is a four-theory approach to reflexology. Structural Alignment Theory, Zone Theory, Meridian Theory and Psychoneuroimmunology Theory each serve as a different lens for understanding how reflexology works and how we can view the body in a holistic way, honoring its complexity. This approach creates space for the body’s innate wisdom to provide the healing offered through an Integrative Reflexology® session.
Specialty Treatments

Myofascial Release
Relieves pain, increases range of motion, and balances the body.

Active Myofascial Therapy (AMT)™ - The Diamond Method™
The intent of an AMT session is corrective; focus is to address client’s pain, dysfunction or problem.

ACE Vacutherapies™ (massage cupping)
In this technique, a vacuum is created with silicone cups to create negative pressure for pain relief.

Integrative Reflexology®
Reflexology is as old as walking barefoot--stimulating the feet for healing purposes is known to have been part of the ancient health care modalities used by our ancestors all over the world.
For more information about Balancing Life Touch and the specific services we offer, please call us at your earliest convenience at (919) 280-8858.
Serving clients from Wake County and Eastern Wake County since 2009